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Magnus Racing Takes Top Honors in Fan Vote, Children’s Tumor Foundation Reaps Rewards

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (October 15, 2014)- Following a six-day voting session designed entirely for the fans of the TUDOR United SportsCar Championship, Magnus Racing has been voted as the fan favorite for the inaugural Microsoft Visual Studio “Team to Win” Grand Prize. In honor of the award, team owner John Potter will be donating $10,000 to a long-time associate of the team, the Children’s Tumor Foundation and their Racing4Research™ program.
“It means a lot to be voted as the favorite team by the fans,” stated team owner John Potter. “Our priority is of course on winning races and championships, but we put a lot of effort and commitment toward our unique brand, especially delivering something different for our fans, and it’s great to know it’s recognized. The ‘Magnus Militia’ is unlike anything out there, and I’m proud to see this kind of response. We couldn’t be happier to turn around and donate to the Children’s Tumor Foundation. Our partnership with CTF dates back to our victory at Daytona in 2012, and one that we’ve always been very happy to be associated with. The Foundation does great work raising awareness and donations for research toward helping children suffering from NF, and I’m more than happy to represent our fans by donating.”
With the contest featuring eleven teams who’d won their respective fan votes following each individual round of the TUDOR Championship, this week’s grand prize vote was a chance for fans to unite behind their favorite team. Facing stiff competition against such prodigious names as Corvette Racing, Dempsey Racing and many others, a weekend surge of support elevated Magnus Racing to the top of the standings, a lead that was never relinquished.
In addition to the loyal Magnus fans, the tremendous support of the Children’s Tumor Foundation also proved pivotal. With a network of families, donors, and supporters worldwide, the continued effort to raise awareness and donations for those suffering from neurofibromatosis is unparalleled.
Neurofibromatosis – known simply as NF – is a common yet under-recognized genetic disorder that can cause tumors to grow on nerves throughout the body. NF affects one in every 3,000 people, more than cystic fibrosis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and Huntington’s disease combined. The Children’s Tumor Foundation actively supports research into treatments and a cure for NF by bringing academics, scientists, clinicians, and companies together to work in collaboration towards an end to neurofibromatosis.
Developed by the Children’s Tumor Founda

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Reader Comments (1)

Magnus Racing is what racing fans love. Do your best. Race as hard as you can. Be humble. Have a great time doing it. Winning over Corvette and Dempsey Racing proves Magnus has some of the best and most loyal fans!
October 15, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Schardt

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