Remembering Larry Sauer

On March 13, 2012, the entire sportscar community lost one of its most colorful characters in Lawrence William Sauer.
Known to all simply as Larry, his sense of humor and attitude was as infectious as it was memorable, making him one of the most likable individuals to anyone at the track. Working in a number of capacities ranging from hospitality, to logistics, equipment management and even over-the-wall pit duties, Larry was a staple of both the GRAND-AM and American Le Mans Series scene. Having worked with a number of top teams including Level 5 Motorsports, TRG, and many more, Larry was certainly a man who knew his way around the paddock. Everyone at Magnus Racing extends their heartfelt condolences to the entire Sauer family.Although Larry never worked directly for Magnus Racing, the team had extremely close ties with Larry and his wife Carole, often helping and coordinating with one another on various hospitality and logistical projects, as well as of course employing Larry’s daughter, Flynn.
In honor of Larry, we feel it appropriate to share some of our favorite sentiments.
In true Larry fashion, we should also warn you that not all stories may be appropriate for all readers.
Andy Lally, Driver, no. 44: I think Larry may have been one of the most genuine people I have ever met. He was mellow, caring, cool and a great friend that I knew I could count on if I needed something. His sense of humor and attitude was the type I took well to, and he was always one of those guys you'd look forward to seeing every weekend.
John Potter, Team Owner and Driver: A few years ago, before I knew Larry or who he was, he came up to me sitting at a table at the track. He said ‘Hey John, f*** you.’ It through me a bit, needless to say, and I really didn't like this guy for a few months. I later figured out he was talking to John Bedell (Magnus Racing Crew Chief) who was sitting next to me at the time...Ryan Eversley, Driver, no. 4: Larry was the definition of "character". He was always armed with a one liner no matter the situation, and he really looked out for his friends. I got to know him more these last few years and I'm glad my last memories of him are so great. I'll always miss him.
Lorie Bedell, Hospitality: Taylor (Lorie’s teenaged daughter) was remembering when she was ten, and travelled to Virginia International Raceway. With Carole and Larry being two of her favorite people, we went to their favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner. Larry taught her how to do Tequila shots (with Sprite), how to salt and lime and say " ay ay ay ay ay" when your done. Taylor proceeds to tell her teacher this when she returns to school. I was lucky they asked me before calling Child Protective Services.
Sean Heckman, Marketing (The Media Barons): If we’re being honest, and maybe only Larry would appreciate this, but I’ll always remember him as the first person to call me a certain word that rhymes with “bunt.” You don’t forget a guy who can joke like that. What I always appreciated about Larry was he could joke and call someone out like that, but he would ALWAYS stop and offer me a ride if he saw me walking somewhere, and never did anything short of his best effort to take care of everyone around him. He was a true character and someone we’ll truly miss.

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