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A Special Holiday Poem, by Magnus Racing

‘Twas the night before Daytona, and all through the tech line
Not a rulebook was brewing, not even a guideline.
The crewmen prepared with diligence and care,
in hopes that some clarity may soon be there.
The drivers would whine all over Facebook and Twitter,
but silence and pushback just made everyone bitter.
The accountants would Email, and speculation from engineers,
for no one predicted a missing rule book, it’s been over a year.
When in everyone’s Email there arose such a chime!
Alas, just another Twitter post, Andy Lally clearly has too much time.
Glued to their Emails, Team Owners kept a keen eye
But in spite of constant requests, they all read one simple reply:
“Ask Taylor, ask Stallings, ask Ganassi or Baron,
Maybe try Risi, try Miller, try Rahal or Neiman.
They can’t all be in the dark, someone must know something,
But apparently not, if it wasn’t funny it would be insulting.”
With teams springing to action for a historic new debut,
Anxiety is high, especially with new rules in lieu.
Regardless of this, we wish the best to our fans and their family,
We especially hope this release doesn’t get us a penalty.
Happy Holidays,
Magnus Racing