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Magnus Racing Maintains Point Lead After Holding On at Barber

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama (April 7, 2013)- Headed in to Saturday’s Porsche 250, the third round of the GRAND-AM Rolex Sports Car Series, Magnus Racing knew that the emphasis for this weekend would be simply to maximize what they could out of the race. Taking a sixth place finish, the top finish of any Porsche in the GT class, the team was at least able to walk away in control of the championship point lead.

With the twisty 2.3-mile, 17-turn Barber Motorsports Park traditionally favoring other marques, the no. 44 Flex-Box Porsche GT3 Cup came in to the week knowing that outright speed would pose a challenge for all Porsche teams. Having recently announced that Flex-Box was continuing with the team for the year, having partnered with the team for the first two rounds, the team was working with extra incentive to maximize their weekend.

With a cold and wet series of practice sessions hampering the team’s ability to dial in the car, Team Owner and Driver John Potter took the car for its first completely dry laps during Friday qualifying.

As it would turn out, Potter would put in one of his best career qualifying performances to date. Taking sixth position, the result alone demonstrated one of Potter’s best runs, however that only tells part of the story.

“I was actually on a lap that would have been three or four tenths quicker before they threw a red flag,” stated Potter, whose quickest lap was aborted when qualifying was stopped for an incident. “Based on the predictive lap time, we might have even been higher on the charts, but I was still pretty happy with sixth.”

When the green flag fell the next day, the race would begin for an uncharacteristically short elapsed time; two hours. With most cars in the series only able to stretch a load of fuel to around 45-50 minutes, strategy would play a key role, as teams would need to decide when to stop for a “full” load of fuel and tires, versus when to stop for a shorter fill to ensure they could last the full race distance.

Running his traditional clean start to the race, Potter held position comfortably until the race would take a turn nearing the 20 minutes mark, as the first caution period of the race took place. Working backwards, this meant that the team would have one hour and 40 minutes left to run in the race, which would mean that if they stopped during this first caution, they would theoretically be able to run the race with only one additional stop.

Opting to go this route, Potter brought the no. 44 for routine service, but falling short of the required minimum drive time, Potter stayed in and would have to drive another full stint.

Not putting a foot wrong, Potter drove his second stint flawlessly. Holding position and knowing that preserving the car for teammate Andy Lally’s stint would be the key, Potter would pit for the second time with 50 minutes remaining. This would actually serve as one of only a handful of Rolex races where Potter drove the majority of race-laps in the car.

With co-driver Andy Lally now in the car, the Georgia-resident was tasked with moving the car to the front, but having to watch his fuel in order to ensure he could go the distance. As pit stops cycled through, Lally would find himself fairly comfortable in fifth position, until a late-race engine issue surfaced.

With 30 minutes left, Lally radioed in a possible puncture to the front radiator, which was quickly justified by the engine’s rapidly rising temperatures. As the team looked at the engine data from pit-lane, the car was running temperatures just edging on what Porsche engineers deemed as an acceptable limit. With temperatures climbing over the final minutes, Lally’s attention turned from pursuing the cars in front, to simply keeping the nose in clean air and trying to bring the car home.

The no. 44 would cross the finish line in sixth, with literally nothing but steam left in the Porsche engine.

“I’m happy to be top Porsche, and the guys worked really hard to get us there,” stated Lally. “John should be especially proud of the weekend, he did an awesome job. He ran a great qualifying session, and had to really put on a strong performance the way the race unfolded, and he didn’t disappoint. A top-five would have been nice, but considering we kept the engine alive and we’re still leading the points, we’ll take it. Road Atlanta should be a great circuit for us, and I’m really looking forward to getting out there.”

Echoing Lally’s comments, John Potter walked away pretty satisfied with the day.

“The fact that the engine made it at all is pretty amazing,” stated Potter. “I have to give everyone at the team and Porsche Motorsport credit, they all stayed very calm during the last 30-minutes and just worked through the process. We were able to bring it home, ahead of every other Porsche, and still with the point lead. I’d say it was a good day.”

The Flex-Box no. 44 will only have one weekend off until the fourth round, taking place at the prestigious Road Atlanta circuit in Braselton, Georgia. Live SPEED coverage can be seen on Saturday, April 20, at 4:30PM ET.


Flex-Box, Magnus Racing Commit to Full 2013 Season

SALT LAKE CITY, UT (April 2, 2013)- After campaigning the first two rounds of the GRAND-AM Rolex Sports Car Series together, Magnus Racing and Flex-Box have agreed to continue their partnership for the full 2013 season.

“We’ve had a great start to the 2013 season, clearly the Flex-Box graphics are a great luck charm,” stated Magnus Racing Team Owner John Potter. “We’ve really enjoyed using our paddock and trackside experience as a means of entertaining the various guests who’ve come through, and I’m very happy to continue this through the duration of the season.”

Flex-Box, based out of Hong Kong, is a leading worldwide supplier of new and used shipping, storage and reefer containers. The company manufactures and ships containers to customers all over the world, keeping a year round inventory of containers in China, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and North America.

With the familiar blue rectangle of Flex-Box adorning the side of the no. 44 Porsche GT3 Cup for the first two rounds of the season, the original arrangement was to run select events throughout the series championship. However, after leading more laps than any other team at this year’s Rolex 24 at Daytona en route to fifth, followed by a podium most recently at Circuit of the Americas, both Flex-Box and Magnus Racing have decided to simply continue on for the full season.

“We are very pleased to continue with Magnus Racing through the remainder of the season,” stated Henrik Nielsen, Founder of Flex-Box. “They are obviously a very fun team, but they’re also great with our guests, and their performance on track speaks for itself. The 2013 season is off to a great start, and we really look forward to seeing the Flex-Box Porsche in victory lane.”

With the third round of the GRAND-AM Rolex Series in only three days’ time at the beautiful Barber Motorsports Park in Birmingam, Alabama, the team will look to expand their series point lead.

The Porsche 250 will take place this Saturday, April 6, with coverage on SPEED the following day, April 7, at 5:30PM ET.



Magnus Racing Reveals “New” Team Branding

SALT LAKE CITY, UT (April 1, 2013)- Now in their fourth season of professional racing, Magnus Racing has grown from a fairly unknown organization to undoubtedly one of the most well-known Porsche teams in the professional sportscar scene. Like any world-renowned organization, however, the 50th Rolex 24 at Daytona GT Champions have undergone an effort to appear as though they’re giving a detailed, thorough examination of their branding prior to entering the 2014 United Sports Car Racing season.

With many fans wondering over the years just where the “Magnus” name came from, the entire organization is proud to capitalize on this opportunity to announce a complete and thorough re-branding.

The story actually begins with the team’s recent partnership with the highly touted New York advertising agency, Sterling Cooper.

“When the time came to create and re-brand our new sportscar entity, we knew it was key to partner with the right agency,” stated Magnus Racing Team Owner John Potter. “For me, it was less important to work with someone who knew the motorsport scene, but instead, someone who came from a city that would impress everyone around me. Sterling Cooper are from New York, so I figured that would work.”

Located on Manhattan’s famed Madison Avenue, and with a vast list of highly touted clients, the principals at Sterling Cooper were thrilled to take the call from Potter.

“When we got the call from John, I was absolutely thrilled,” stated Roger Sterling, Senior Partner at Sterling Cooper. “It was clear from our first conversation that he was he completely open to our meticulous, two-step approach. It all begins with step one: ask for a credit card. It’s a very critical part of our research and understanding of the client’s need. Step two is simple: make sure the charge clears. That’s the part of our research that really sets the stage for the project’s future. Once we realized our numerous charges on John’s credit card would clear, the team became an instant fit!”

With an impressive resumé of projects prior to Magnus, Steling Cooper are a signature part of the Manhattan scene, and have been involved in a number of prestigious projects over the years.

From managing the Lucky Strike advertising account for years, to working with Heinz, Secor Laxatives and even The American Cancer Society, Sterling Cooper are known for their strong ability to speak in vague tongue to any client with deep pockets.

“We take what we call a multi-billable approach,” stated Don Draper, Junior Partner at Sterling Cooper. “The biggest part of branding research is creating a giant document that really makes the client feel good about hiring you. In our experience, we’ve found that you can’t properly create a massive research document without first putting a lot of writing in it, as clients catch on when you just write with a big font. Because of this, we have to take a lot of time to think of things to write about, and of course you need a partner who allows themselves to be billed for that.”

For Potter, what impressed him the most about the Sterling Cooper research approach, was the number of people they reached out to as they gathered information.

“I was thrilled with the comprehensive approach the group took,” continued Potter. “They seemed to include a number of people from different outlooks, and that was important to me in the process of branding Magnus.”

Roger Sterling echoed that sentiment.

“The single most important part of branding research is making sure the client thinks you’re working,” stated Sterling. “The first thing we did was gather a list of people who were friends with Potter. We knew if we talked to them, he’d think we were working really hard. We find it’s not that important to actually get a lot of opinions, just those of the people that report back to the client. It’s a tradition that has served very well in advertising, and seems to apply well to racing.”

After impressing everyone at Magnus Racing that they were successfully getting “everyone’s” opinion, Sterling Cooper then turned to the most important factor; the fans.

“It was clear from the beginning, that we needed to look like we were listening to the fans,” claimed Don Draper. “It’s really great. By creating fan initiatives, we gave the illusion to everyone that we really had our finger on the pulse of modern marketing. Of course the by-product is that we didn’t really have to be accountable for our own ideas… talk about two birds with one stone! Some might say that was just an easier way of cutting out the need for any overhead internally, but I’ll take any of those critics on. We’re advertisers, accountability isn’t our problem.”

As announced last week, the team launched a number of social media contests, forum questions, and more. This lead to a massive response from the “Magnus Nation,” only further dissolving any responsibility from Sterling Cooper. With the fans now feeling successfully integrated, Sterling Cooper had to move to the third phase of their invoice: design and creation.

“Once we received our ‘inspiration’ from the fans, we of course came to the hardest part of the process: the design and implementation,” lamented Sterling. “This is the most challenging part, as we’re actually expected to deliver something at this point. For most marketing groups, delivery isn’t really the specialty, so we had to make sure that John Potter was ready for this stage of the invoice. Luckily, Potter was OK with paying for hours and hours of: ideas, designs, and round-table discussions with our top creatives.”

After all of the research, the discussions with people close to Potter, and of course ‘inspiration’ from the fans themselves, Sterling Cooper were finally ready to deliver the proposed name and logo for this new sportscar entity.

“Magnus Racing; Team 44”

“Magnus is a name that epitomizes everything this team is about,” stated Draper. “It has a European feel to it, almost like a Nordic God. This team is powerful, it is unrelenting, and bigger than life. We actually came up with pages and pages of rationale behind the “new” name, which we were happy to bill the team for.”

Even though all the new agency did was add “Team 44” to the brand, John Potter felt satisfied that, even though he’d paid a lot, he’d totally received something that he could never have just done on his own.

“It’s crazy that after all of the research, all of the time billed, and all of the fan discussions…. Sterling Cooper delivered something incredibly underwhelming,” stated John Magnus Potter. “Regardless, I was very satisfied. I had a massive book to justify the process, which makes it easy to defend in case fans don’t like it.”

With the team now recognized as one of the best in GT racing, it’s clear that Sterling Cooper did a great job of making a great spectacle out of a fairly average re-branding. While Magnus’s popularity may have more to do with their ability to create exciting on-track action as well as interactivity with fans, Sterling Cooper still likely to take credit.

“The beauty of agency work is the ability to modify your story,” stated Roger Sterling. “Because Magnus has become so successful recently, we’ve been able to take a lot of credit for our work, even if the team’s on-track results are a large part of their current reputation. What’s great, however, is if the team wasn’t popular, we could have just quietly walked away and no one would have known. Either way, the credit card cleared!”

With Magnus Racing headed in to the third round of the Rolex Series championship as the GT point leader, who knows what the next steps of the legendary brand may be.

Whatever the future holds on this April Fool’s Day, the team would like to express their gratitude to the fans, media, and competitors alike.

(Sterling Cooper's Roger Sterling and Don Draper. Photo Credit: AMC)

(Roger Sterling, John Potter, Don Draper. Photo Credit: Regis Lefebure and Photoshop)


Magnus Racing Unveils “Name Our Future” Fan Contest

SALT LAKE CITY, UT (March 27, 2013)- With much being discussed of 2014, Magnus Racing is proud to announce their “Name Our Future” Fan Contest.

Magnus Racing, who has recently partnered with the prestigious New York-based Sterling Cooper Advertising Agency (NYSE: SCAA), is currently undergoing a significant, and expensive, re-evaluation of their current brand positioning and place within the sportscar realm of independent Porsche GT entrants.

With a strong emphasis on integrating with the fans, the team has decided to initiate the “Name Our Future” contest, in which fans can contribute any number of names to the reigning North American Endurance Championship GT winners.

This is all part of a larger announcement for the team which will be made this coming Monday, April 1, in an event known as #therevealation.

“It was important to create an event for the fans,” stated Magnus Racing Team Owner John Potter. “Our new agency has really stressed divided accountability, and we look forward to the full announcement of our association at #therevealation on Monday. I also am really happy we used a hashtag. We have crew members who are fans of anything with hash in it.”

A full reveal of the team’s association and branding, as well as detailed relationship with their new agency, will be disclosed this Monday.

Fans looking to contribute to the new branding can Email directly to, or for greatest effect message us via Twitter (@MagnusRacing) or Facebook (RacingMagnus).

Be sure to use #TheRevealation as a hashtag, that way you look like you know what you’re doing.


Magnus Racing Weighs in On Prospective Series’ Name Change

Salt Lake City, UT (March 13, 2013)- On the eve of tomorrow’s big announcement regarding the future name of the merged GRAND-AM/American Le Mans Series, Magnus Racing’s team personnel would like to weigh in on their respective opinions regarding the series’ name.

While the team anxiously awaits the reveal itself, like most, we’re both excited and supportive of the new endeavor. It’s still difficult to imagine driving in a new series, as Team Owner John Potter strictly became involved due to his allegiance to the Pontiac Grand-Am.

“The Grand-Am was driving excitement,” stated Potter. “It’s going to be tough to simply dissolve ourselves of that name.”

The most exciting part of any announcement, however, is the flurry of team press releases to follow. As we at Magnus Racing have learned, we are simply not a real racing team unless we issue some sort of vague release endorsing what the series just announced, because we know the world was dying for our particular opinion.

With this in mind, Magnus Racing would actually like to issue our thoughts before the reveal. In fact, we even have a few suggestions on a series name!

John Potter, Team Owner/Driver:
“Personally, I’m a big fan of renaming it to ‘Aztek.’ The series is developing a new empire in sportscar, and it might even get Mel Gibson interested in making a movie about it.”

Andy Lally, Driver:
“I’d actually like to see everything renamed to ‘Star Chief.’ It makes sense. The series is a new “all star” series, and we’re the “chief’s” of sportscar. Plus, it sounds a lot like starfish. I like starfish.”

John Bedell, Crew Chief:
“I think if we want to resonate with our US base, we should rename it to ‘Fiero.’ Living in Long Island, we see a lot of these, and what better way to get everyone’s attention than with the most recognizable of the Pontiac brands.”

Shannon Davis, Team Manager:
“The most sensible name is the ‘Bonneville.’ Bonneville is the pinnacle of speed, and the desert is almost limitless, sort of like our budget.”

Lars Giersing, Team Engineer:
“I would lean more toward naming the series ‘G6.’ It’s simple, it’s elegant, and then we could have ‘Far East Movement’ do our theme song. I love that group. That’s my jam.”

Lorie Bedell, Team Hospitality and Logistics:
“I think everyone has it wrong, we should be renaming it to ‘Firebird.’ People love fire, people love birds, and hopefully with that sort of brand option, sleeves would no longer be mandatory in the hot pit.”

Tucker Merten, Technician:
“Coming from Louisiana, I have to voice my desire for ‘Sunfire.’ We know a thing or two at the team about setting things on fire, and the ‘sun’ always sounds cool. It makes me think of lighting things up.”

While we know not to recommend the name “Le Mans,” we do hope series’ officials consider anyone of these former Pontiac brands to follow-up from GRAND-AM.

“Whatever name they choose for the series,” continued Potter, “it’s sure to be available at a used car dealer near you!”

Whatever the new series adopts, everyone at Magnus Racing looks forward to reading every team's "response" release over the next seven days, as does much of the motorsport media we're sure.

To watch #thereveal live, be sure to tune in tomorrow, March 14, at 2:30PM. A live stream can be seen on,, or

For a complete list of former Pontiac brands, including Grand-Am, click here.